I feel like I live in Tegucigalpa

Since returning from Tela I have been staying in Casa Alistar, the bachillerato house in Tegucigalpa. We did not get back from Tela until late Sunday evening, so it was too late to catch a bus back to the ranch. Plus, Jean and I figured that we´d have to return back to Tegucigalpa the next day anyways, so we the three of us stayed at Casa Alistar. We wound down our crazy Tela weekend at T.G.I.Friday´s, where we rehashed details of the weekend and returned to talk of the ranch. On Monday I did some feeding therapy at Casa Angeles, had lunch with Jean, and in the evening met up with Teresa. The three of us headed over to the boys´house for our Monday night dinner. The boys made us gringas, which are like tacos...flour tortillas, chicken, chismol, quesillo, and a Santa Fe sauce. We had Cinnabon for dessert...yum! Benigno, an ex-pequeno who lives at the house, works at Cinnabon, so everytime we go over to their house, we end up eating Cinnabon. The next day, Tuesday, I went with Jean to help prepare for her "despedida"/going away party at Casa Angeles. Jean has been volunteering for over 15 months now as a physical therapist. She heads back to the U.S. on December 15. So, as all volunteers do when they leave, we had a despedida. The cook at Casa Angeles, Blanca, made a nice lunch of lentil soup, rice, and avocado. We all (tias, bachillerato girls, Jean, me, and Vanessa the coordinator of Casa Angeles) sat down to eat together. They all gave Jean their blessings, which was nice to hear. Afterwards, Jean headed back to the ranch and I stayed back. I met up with Teresa in the evening and we went to the mall to eat dinner and watch a movie...half price on Tuesdays...whoo hoo...that means 25 lempiras to watch a movie...just over a dollar! So, here I am on Wednesday. Monica, my nurse roommate, is coming into the city and we´re going to head over to Pasos Pequenitos/La Guarderia, which is a day care center for ex-pequenas babies. The coordinator has some concerns for a few of the kids´ speech and language development, so I´m going over to do some screening and testing. Monica is coming along to do some observations and charting of weight, height, etc. We´ll stay in the city one more night at Casa Alistar. Tonight we´re planning to go to Bambu, which a club close-by. Wednesday is ladies´ night, so we thought we´d check it out. Tomorrow, Thursday and Thanksgiving, we´ll head back to the ranch. The Stevens, volunteer family, is hosting a Thanksgiving dinner with all the volunteers. So, that should be a good, filling time! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!!