Thursday, August 16, 2007


How do I even begin to try and sum up in a blog what this year has meant to me, how I have grown, and how I am going to move on? My journey has come to an end. It has had its share of ups and downs, dramas, medical emergencies, and adventures. I remember embarking on this adventure with high expectations and hopes of what and who I would become when I returned home; not really knowing if I would realize it when when the change occurred and how long it would take. All I can say is my mission is accomplished. I am changed. I feel it. I have achieved what I set out to do. I just hope and pray that I can continue with this new mentality and outlook on life back in the States as I have come to live here in Honduras. I want to thank all of you for your continued support and encouragement throughout this year. You have no idea what it meant to me during my time away. I also want to thank all the visitors that came to see firsthand what it is I am doing here in Honduras. That was a huge support for me and will continue to be as you will be able to relate with me and share stories when I return home. According to the volunteers, I had the most visitors of any volunteer, so thank you for that. It just shows what an amazing network of friends and family I have. You guys are awesome!

During my thirteen months in Honduras I have missed out on daily activities and happenings back home. One of my good friends, Allison Werner (Ed) got married. Another one of my best friends, Brookes (Elders) Welc got pregnant and had a baby. Another one of my good friends from high school, Emily Lennon died. My grandmother died. I missed a year’s worth of family dinners, birthdays, and holidays. I missed a years worth of a steady salary. I have endured an assault at knifepoint and a paralyzed face. I offered a lending hand to a sick friend all the way to Miami. I saw and experienced things in a developing country that will remain with me forever. I traveled. I lived. And, would I do it all again? Hell yes!

As I begin to reflect on my year, here is a list of things I will miss from Honduras and things I look forward to back in the United States (in no particular order). :)

Things I will miss from Honduras:
Pucha, my cat
My girls, Estrellas de Belén
Hiking/running to Tamal y Queso
Beautiful vistas/views
Speaking Spanish
Pincho Loco, my favorite restaurant in Tegucigalpa
Morning yoga on the roof
Fresh, cheap fruit

Things I look forward to in the United States:
Internet in my bed
East Hills Athletic Club
My family
Watching TV with Bop, my grandfather
Laying in my mom and dad’s bed
Driving a car
Having a cell phone with a monthly plan, instead of buying minutes
Working in Grand Rapids Public Schools
Making new friends
Visiting my friends in Chicago

Stay tuned as I have more stories to share with you during my last few weeks in Honduras... see you soon!


At 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now we're counting minutes.

At 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Than YOU for sharing your time with us. My time in Honduras, as well as your stories of your travels and adventures, are things that also will stay with me throughout my life. So thank you for going and sharing and being so unbelievably giving of yourself throughout your stay in Honduras. Your impact is greater than you will ever know.

Love and miss you. Can't wait to see you in Chicago!


At 6:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quiero decirte que me alegro mucho que ya estes de regreso y que los sintomas del dengue ya se te hayan desaparecido. Que susto! Me emocione mucho al leer tu ultimo blog -- estas demostrando una madurez increible y te deseo lo mejor con la adaptacion a vivir otra vez en GR y con tu nuevo trabajo. Nunca olvidaras las experiencias que tuviste y la gente que conociste, sobretodo las ninas del orfelinato. Y ellas nunca te olvidaran a ti...
Me siento orgullosa de ser tu tia y, aunque voy a extranar tus "aventuras en Honduras", ahora estoy lista para leer sobre tus nuevas "aventuras" en GR!
Muchos carinos,

At 6:01 PM, Blogger Kristin said...

Can't wait to see you and go out for a nice, relaxing, glass of wine on some roof-top deck here in Chicago!! We've missed you!

At 6:01 PM, Blogger Kristin said...

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