Honduran Driver’s License

Medical and vision exam (the doctor at the ranch wrote up a quick note, signed and stamped it, without examining me at all)
Letter from NPH stating why I am here and that I am applying for residency
Copy of passport
Blood type (test available at the DMV for 50 lempiras ($2.50)
About 200 lempiras ($10) to get you a driver’s license that is valid for one year
Driving in Honduras isn’t as bad as one might imagine. I’d say driving in Europe is way worse. A few things to look out for when driving in Honduras: pot holes, cars passing on blind curves, people throwing trash out of bus windows, cows, and dogs. Also, make sure you have a clue as to where you are going, because there are not many signs to lead the way.

Do you miss the Grand Am ?
Congrats on your driver's license.
Now there's nothing to hold you down.
Can't tell tou how very much I've enjoyed your blog updates. It's almost as good as taking a coffee break together......almost.
love you lots
Good post.
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