Back in Tegucigalpa

Well, it´s been two weeks since my assault and robbery, and here I am back in Tegucigalpa. I hate this city. I am constantly on edge, jumpy, nervous, and uncomfortable here. While that may be a good thing to keep me on my toes, it is just no fun to be here.
I arrived last night with Julia and Kathi (speech-language therapist and physical therapist from Austria). We walked around a bit, ate fresh mangoes from street vendors, had a coffee, and I was finally able to talk to my parents on the phone. It was a bit emotional on both sides of the phone line, but it sure was a relief to talk to them! Afterwards we went to Casa Alistar (a home for bachillerato/high school boys) and picked up Teresa (from Germany) who is living there. We went out for a few drinks and were able to unwind and socialize for a bit. This morning we did therapy at Casa Angeles, which is the home for severely disabled children. We then went to the centro and had licuados and are now in the internet cafe.
This afternoon I´m meeting up with my roommate Monica and Ryan to head down to Amapala. Amapala is an island in the south of Honduras on the Golfo de Fonseca. It´s a poor, fishing community that has many beaches and a volcano. It should be a nice, relaxing getaway (let´s hope so!). About five other volunteers are going too.
**Question from Rita**
Do you speak English or Spanish with your roommate?
We normally speak English when it´s just the two of us. However, in a group of people, we speak Spanish. That´s how it is with just about all the volunteers. Usually if we´re with a mixture of Americans and Europeans, we speak Spanish. Sometimes though, even with just each other we speak Spanish. It just depends. Even when we speak English, it´s always a little combination of both English and Spanish (a.k.a. Spanglish).
**Picture of my roommate Monica and me riding in jalon/back of a truck in Amapala
Great picture - glad to see your smiling face!
Love, tu mama
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