
If you look back on my previous blogs, you'll see the connection I have made with two pequenas here on the ranch, Cynthia and Paola. They were the first pequenos I met, as they were in the pick-up truck to get me when I arrived at the airport in Honduras. Their mother, Mirna, has been battling ovarian cancer for a while now. She is an ex-pequena and brought her kids here in April when she started getting really sick. I had the privilege to spend a couple evenings with the three of them and had dinner with her bedside. It was a very special time. Well, this evening Mirna passed away. Some of the kids are taking it really hard, as it brings back memories of when their parent(s) died. The ranch hasn't told Cynthia or Paola yet; I think they want to wait till tomorrow during the daytime. Even though I think they were prepared for her death, it's a sad situation. I'm sure this experience and grieving process with the pequenos will be really important and memorable.
I am so sorry to hear about Mirna's death. What's going to happen to her two little girls?
Will they stay at the Ranch the rest of their growing up years?
Can we send clothes or money to help the kids there?
That is so sad that Mirna died, but I am glad that you put a picture of all of them so we could get a visual. Cynthia and Paola look so cute and I am sad for them that they have to grow up without a mother. I am curious too what will happen to them now. They are lucky to have you in their lives since I am sure they will need someone who loves them right now. Take care!
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