Thursdays are pretty laid back days, workwise. I start the day out in the clinic doing therapy with Ariel, the boy who was in the car accident. Update: he has started talking; mostly short words, one-word phrases, many vowels...huge step for him! Will make therapy much more interactive for sure. Then I head down to the school and do individual therapy with two boys from Montessori (a.k.a. preschool). After recreo/recess, I use the time for paperwork and/or testing. Then at noon we usually have a psicopedagogia department meeting. Afterwards we are free to go. I usually head to the cocina/kitchen with Annemarie and/or Vanessa where we have lunch and socialize with the employees, older pequenos, and ex-pequenos. Then, if no special event is planned, I take my siesta, go on a run, shower, head to hogar, check my email, and head back to Casa Personal.
**Picture of Jesus (ranch director from Chicago), Feliciana (Ariel's mom), and Ariel**Question from Mercy**
Where in Minnesota is Annemarie from, anywhere near Lake City?
When I asked Annemarie where she's from, she told me near Twin Cities (I think that's what she said...haha). When I asked her about Lake City, she had never heard of it before.
**Question from Rosario**
In the picture of the church from Tegucigalpa, are those royal palm trees?
I haven't received a specific answer yet, but I'll just say 'yes' from what I know about palm trees. The picture is very deceiving actually. Tegucigalpa is a very dirty, crowded, poorly planned city...not that I've been to Cuba but I doubt they're similar, other than sharing a common language.
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