Technical Difficulties
My lap top is officially busted. It will probably be a couple weeks before I get it fixed (if it is fixable), so my blog posts and email replies are going to be a bit delayed. This will give many of you time to catch up on all my past blogs and leave me comments :)
An update on life here in Honduras...

I spent the weekend in Tegucigalpa. Friday night the psicopedagogia/special education department had a birthday dinner and then we all went out dancing at the Harley Davidson Cafe. Vanessa, my roommate Monica, and me stayed in the city Saturday night. We spent the day lounging in the Nan Kin hotel watching TV, we went to the mall, saw Nacho Libre at the movie theater, and went to Ruby Tuesday´s for dinner. Sunday we met up with Debra, who is my roommate from Chicago Amy´s friend from college. She is working outside of Tegucigalpa as an English teacher. Anyways, we went to a creperia for brunch, which was delicious. It had a very nice view of the city as well. So, now we´re just finishing up our routine Teguc rounds -- internet and supermarket -- before heading back to the ranch.
Hope everyone is doing well, and even though communication might be slow on my end, please keep in touch via yours!