Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Wish List: Updated 17-october-2006

First of all, thanks for the text messages...they are very fun to receive randomly throughout my day. Secondly, many of you have asked how you can be of help, what you can send, etc. I'll keep a running list on this blog entry of things you can send to the ranch, and to me :)

  1. Money sent to the general operating fund. This means money that goes towards daily necessities, meals, employee salaries, etc.
  2. If you go to the NPH website; click on the Honduran flag; then click on "How to Help" link. These links show many ways you can help out, projects, and being a padrino/godparent to one of the pequenos.
  3. I'm taking donations to raise money to buy the girls in my hogar Christmas presents. I'm not sure what to get them yet, but am thinking maybe University of Michigan or Chicago t-shirts (Rita, Anna, Kristin, Amy...maybe you can help me out with this...).

Care packages for me :)

  1. Face wash (Neutrogena, Dove)
  2. Facial moisturizer (anything with SPF: Oil of Olay, Neutrogena)
  3. I-Pod
  4. New speakers for my computer (the ones I brought blew up)
  5. People, Oprah, US Weekly magazines
  6. Breathe Calm Daily Vitamin Lotion from Bath and Body Works
  7. Febreze
  8. Wrinkle spray (to get the wrinkles out of clothes)

That's all I've got for now. Keep checking back for more items!!


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